New York Features & Landmarks (Physical, Cultural & Historic Features)


New York Physical Features, Cultural Features & Historical Landmarks

Physical Cultural Historical


Arches 2
Areas 15
Bars 200
Basins 23
Bays 612
Beaches 137
Benches 13
Bends 16
Canals 116
Capes 877
Channels 169
Cliffs 77
Crossings 12
Falls 208
Flats 88
Gaps 53
Guts 25
Islands 883
Isthmuses 1
Lakes 3,324
Levees 5
Pillars 24
Ranges 30
Rapids 19
Reservoirs 696
Ridges 155
Slopes 1
Springs 23
Streams 4,464
Summits 3,482
Swamps 412
Valleys 689
Woods 17
  Public and Private Airports 324
  Heliports 157
  Seaplane Bases and Anchorages 15
Cemeteries 5,038
Education - Schools
  Other Schools 1,582
  Elementary Schools 2,351
  Middle Schools 747
  High Schools 1,020
  Colleges & University 328
  Technical & Trade School 111
Emergency Response & Law Enforcement
  Ambulance Service 354
  Fire Station & EMS Station 2,657
  Law Enforcement 766
  Prisons & Correctional Facilities 89
Federal Lands & Reserves
  National Cemeteries 6
  Forests 3
  Parks 24
  Wilderness Areas 1
  Wildlife Areas 13
Government Services
  City or Town Hall 1,198
  Court House 80
  Post Offices 1,834
Hospitals & Medical Centers 243
Native American Areas
  Reservations 11
  State Designated American Indian Statistical Area 1
Public Landmarks & Attractions
  Campgrounds 18
  Picnic Areas 15
  Trailheads 55
  Visitor Centers 32