Places of Interest in/near New York ZIP Code 13090


POPULAR PLACES Near New York ZIP Code 13090

Popular Places near New York ZIP Code 13090 are the physical, cultural, and historic features located within a 9-mile search radius of the primamary coordinate point (PCP) for New York ZIP Code 13090.

Select a feature that interests you and locations of the nearest ones will be marked on a map in ranked order. The map page has links to additional information about each feature as well as driving directions.

Physical Features
Areas 1
Bays 1
Capes 5
Islands 8
Lakes 5
Ridges 1
Streams 22
Summits 6
Swamps 1
Valleys 1
Cultural Features
  Public and Private Airports 5
  Heliports 3
Cemeteries 39
Education - Schools
  Other Schools 19
  Elementary Schools 45
  Middle Schools 12
  High Schools 10
  Colleges & University 9
  Technical & Trade School 3
Emergency Response & Law Enforcement
  Ambulance Service 8
  Fire Station & EMS Station 39
  Law Enforcement 15
Government Services
  City or Town Hall 11
  Court House 1
  Post Offices 18
  Hospitals & Medical Centers 5
Historical Features
Military (Historical) 2