Brooklyn, NY 11219 Schools


New York Public Schools in ZIP Code 11219

Levels: Primary, Middle, High, Other

Regular Schools

Name Level
Is 187 Christa Mcauliffe School (The) Other/Ungraded
Ps 105 Blythebourne (The) Other/Ungraded
Ps 131 Other/Ungraded
Ps 160 William T Sampson Other/Ungraded
Ps 164 Caesar Rodney Other/Ungraded
Ps 176 Ovington Other/Ungraded
School for Future Leaders (The) Other/Ungraded
West Brooklyn Community High School Other/Ungraded

Levels: Primary, Middle, High, Other


New York Private Schools in ZIP Code 11219

Levels: Elementary School, Secondary School, Other - mixed grades

Regular Schools

Name Level
Bais Chaya Esther Elementary
Bais Rochel School Mixed Grades
Bais Yitzchak Yeshiva Mixed Grades
Baisyaakov Secondary School Elementary
Beth Jacob of Boro Park Elementary
Bnos Margulia Viznitz Mixed Grades
Congregation Bnos Chaya Elementary
Congregation Chasidei Belz Beth Malka Secondary
Congregation Machna Shalva Mixed Grades
Darkei Chaim Elementary
Kesser Malka Elementary
Nesivos Bais Yaakov Mixed Grades
Talmud Torah Drabinu Joel Elementary
Tocah Vyirah of Boro Park Elementary
United Talmudical Academy of Borough Park Mixed Grades
Viznitzer Chaider Tiferes Yisroel Elementary
Yeshiva & Mesivta V'Yoel Moshe Secondary
Yeshiva Tiferes Shmiel D'Aleksander Secondary

Special Education Schools

Name Level
Hasc - Hebrew Academy for Special Children Elementary
Hebrew Academy for Special Mixed Grades
Shema Kolainu-Hear Our Voices Mixed Grades
Yeshiva Beth Joseph Zvi Dushinsky Secondary

Alternative/Other Schools

Name Level
Congregation Yeshiva Bnei Torah, Inc Elementary

Levels: Elementary School, Secondary School, Other - mixed grades
