Clason Point is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the City of New York. In turn, the City of New York is located within Bronx County.
Clason Point is located at latitude 40.814 and longitude -73.862.
Since Clason Point is located within the City of New York, all of the census and demographic data for residents of Clason Point are included as part of the information reported for City of New York in the "Profile" tab above.
Bronx County: Subdivisions (MCDs) | Cities & Towns | ZIP Codes | Features (airports, churches, hospitals, etc.)
Nearby Hotels | Driving DirectionsBIG Map | Driving Directions | Terrain Map | Satellite Map
BOUNDARY MAPS: City of New York | Borough of Bronx | Bronx County
Eastchester, NY
(5.3 miles NNE) Edgewater, NJ (6 miles W) Saddle Rock, NY (6.1 miles ESE) Fort Lee, NJ (6.3 miles WNW) Harbor Hills, NY (6.3 miles ESE) |
Pelham Manor, NY
(6.3 miles NNE) East Atlantic Beach, NY (6.3 miles ESE) Saddle Rock Estates, NY (6.4 miles ESE) Cliffside Park, NJ (6.6 miles W) Kings Point, NY (6.7 miles E) |
Jamie Towers, NY
(< 0.1 mile) Hunts Point, NY (1.4 miles W) Unionport, NY (1.4 miles NNE) Soundview Park Homes, NY (1.4 miles WNW) Parkchester, NY (1.9 miles N) |
West Farms, NY
(1.9 miles NNW) Schuylerville, NY (1.9 miles ENE) College Point, NY (1.9 miles SSE) Throgs Neck, NY (2.4 miles ENE) Van Nest, NY (2.4 miles N) |